Anglo American is a global mining company with a rich history dating back to 1917. Their portfolio of world-class operations provides many of the future-enabling metals and minerals for a cleaner, greener, more sustainable world that meets the fast-growing everyday demands of billions of consumers. With a commitment to sustainability, Anglo American aims to be carbon-neutral across its operations by 2040.

The need for transparency, visibility, and cross-siloed voyage data

Anglo American handles over 650 voyages per annum across its ocean freight portfolio, making it a significant dry bulk market participant. Using a variety of structures, Anglo American works with a wide range of counterparties to charter vessels as well as execute voyages. However, working with a broad range of counterparties also makes it challenging to report emissions on an annual basis from deep sea voyages. To improve their carbon accounting and monitoring process, Anglo American worked with Sea.

Jonathan Low, Shipping Strategy & Business Development Specialist at Anglo American, says “Previously, data collection across Anglo American’s ecosystem of counterparties was manual and effort-intensive. With a high volume of data being manually entered, we saw differences in systems and processes emerge across counterparties. This can potentially lead to discrepancies and inconsistencies across our reporting process, complicating our year-end carbon accounting.”

A one-stop shop for carbon accounting, monitoring and reporting

A digital solution was needed to carry out carbon accounting and monitoring effectively and efficiently. Sea, being a service provider with scale and a proven record of delivering high-quality solutions, was the ideal platform to collect and review emissions data in a timely and cost-effective manner. Having worked together closely for several years, Sea was also able to customise the tool’s efficiency to align with Anglo American’s requirements.

Jonathan continues, “Working with Sea on automating the collection of our emissions data has helped us enhance the accuracy and visibility of our carbon performance.”

“With live updates, we receive continuous, valuable – and most importantly – actionable insights into the company’s emission hotspots. With this enhanced visibility, we can make informed decisions about the required steps to reduce our carbon footprint and make tangible strides towards our carbon ambition,” Jonathan concludes.

Pre-fixture workflows for a greener future

Shipping is a unique industry. It crosses organisational boundaries, making efficient and accurate data sharing between different counterparties a necessity. As a result, a one-stop-shop platform like Sea, which allows the frictionless flow of data between organisations in the shipping ecosystem to flow smoothly, is transformative.

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